[Cartoweb-dev] Re: [Cartoweb-users] /!\ CVS version updates

Alexandre Fellay alexandre.fellay at camptocamp.com
Fri Aug 5 06:35:57 EDT 2005

In the context of this potentially heavy change (harldly in Pierre's 
message is a new word meaning "quite strongly") this can be helpful too:
If you want to update your CartoWeb to its last version before the 
commit of the new dhtml interface, you have to use the branch PRE_DHTML 
of the cvs. Example with command-line cvs client :
cvs upd -r PRE_DHTML

Stay tuned.

Pierre GIRAUD wrote:

> Dear Catoweb users,
> The CVS version of Cartoweb has been harldly modified since this 
> morning to include a new javascript code. This impacts several files 
> and the upgrade is not complete at this time. Bug or lacks may appear.
> Before tests are complete, we advice you not to upgrade your cartoweb 
> version to avoid incompatible updates, unless you are about to build 
> new projects.
> You'll be soon informed about the new DHTML functionnalities, and 
> you'll be given information on how to upgrade your own projects.
> Sorry for the troubles.
> Regards

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