[Cartoweb-dev] Cartoweb Coreplugins extending

PORTANERI Franck fportaneri.ext at rd.francetelecom.com
Fri Jun 24 04:00:30 EDT 2005


I am trying to implement an extend of the query coreplugins to allow a 
polygonal selection in addition of the bbox one.
I tried the two approaches :

1- The Overrinding method is working well, the new common/Query.php, 
client/ClientQuery.php  server/project/ServerQuery.php are well 
dynamically loaded and replace the default query coreplugins.

2- The Extending method is more complicated.
I wrote the new classes ClientProjectQuery, ServerProjectQuery witch 
extend the ClientQuery and ServerQuery classes, implement my own 
functions and the required replacePlugin() function witch returns 
'query'.  I add the following in the conf file too:

    loadPlugins = projectQuery
    loadPlugins = projectQuery

Only the ClientProjectQuery seems to be loaded (replacePlugin() of this 
class is well called, I put a debug trace in it), while I have NO trace 
of the replacePlugin()  of  ServerProjectQuery in my logs. The new 
plugin is not loaded and the default one seems to run instead.

Did I forgot something?


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