[Cartoweb-dev] Re: Cartoweb Coreplugins extending

Alexandre Saunier alexandre.saunier at camptocamp.com
Mon Jun 27 10:13:27 EDT 2005

That's not linked and not a bug either.

I guess you forgot to run the following command:
php cw3setup.php setupLinks

=> when you add a new plugin/project, it's a good habit to do so in 
order to create the needed symlinks and stuff.


PORTANERI Franck wrote:
> Any input here?
> I don't if this is linked or not, but I also noticed a bug when I create 
> some new icons into projects/myProject/coreplugins/query/htdocs/gfx/ to 
> override the coreplugins/query/htdocs/gfx/ ones:
> As soon as a directory projects/myProject/coreplugins/query/htdocs/gfx 
> exists, the new icon installed there are not shown under the browser 
> (file not found).
> The html source shows a tag <img src="myProject/query/gfx/query.gif" 
> ...>  which is not available
> If no new icon are installed in that dir or if they are just renamed, 
> the html tag shows <img src="query/gfx/query.gif" ...> and works.
> This is not a major issue, but is this a bug? linked with the 
> replacePlugin() function issue? Or should we have to define an Alias 
> directory in the httpd.conf? (I didn't find ant mention of that in the 
> documentation)
> Any feedback should be appreciated!
> Franck

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