[Cartoweb-dev] Error in HowToDisplayOnTheMapAPointFromADatabaseQuery
Alessandro Simplicio
alessandrosimplicio at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 19:08:45 EDT 2006
Hi, list. I try development the sample by
www.cartoweb.org, but my page gives the next error:
Fatal error: Class 'ShapeStyle' not found in
on line 75
I put my archives in
/cartoweb3/plugins/YourPluingNa me/client/ClientYourPluingName.php
My ClientYourPluingName.php is
class ClientYourPluingName extends ClientPlugin
implements ServerCaller // 20060609 tirei e funcionou Pascoal pus
de nova pra fazer a query
private $vehiculeCoords;
public function initialize()
$this->vehiculeCoords = array();
// get coord from db
$db = $this->getDb();
$sql = "SELECT x, y FROM s_ocr_geo_rel WHERE gid = 5062";
//ocorrrencia no bairro guaira rua alagoas - Pascoal
// $sql = 'SELECT * FROM "your_table_with_values" WHERE
any_condition_you_want'; //linha original
$result = $db->query($sql);
if (DB::isError($result))
throw new CartoclientException($result->getMessage());
$row = NULL;
while ($result->fetchInto($row, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))
$this->vehiculeCoords['x'] = $row['x'];
$this->vehiculeCoords['y'] = $row['y'];
// print $this->vehiculeCoords['x']."<br>";
// print $this->vehiculeCoords['y'];
// $this->vehiculeCoordsY['y'] =
$row['name_of_the_y_coord_column']; // linha original
private function getDb()
if (is_null($this->db))
$dsn = "pgsql://demo:demo@localhost/demo_plugins";
// $dsn = $this->getConfig()->databaseDsn;
// print "dsn= ".$dsn."<br>";
if (!$dsn)
throw new CartoclientException('Search database DSN not
$this->db = DB::connect($dsn);
//check for db connection error, throw exception if needed
Utils::checkDbError($dsn," "); // erro aqui - faltavam
parametros do checkdberror ($db e $msg) - pascoal
return $this->db;
* @see ServerCaller::buildRequest()
public function buildRequest()
// we call for a new shape only if we have a x and y
if ($this->vehiculeCoords['x'] != '' and $this->vehiculeCoords['y']
!= '')
$newElement = new
//tinha um erro aqui - pascoal - original - $newElement = new
Point($this->vehiculeCoords['x'], $this->$this->vehiculeCoords['y']);
$styledShape = new StyledShape();
$styledShape->shape = $newElement;
$shapeStyle = new ShapeStyle();
$shapeStyle->symbol = 2;
// $shapeStyle->symbol = $this->type;
$shapeStyle->size = 20;
$shapeStyle->color->setFromRGB(51, 0, 204);
$shapeStyle->outlineColor->setFromRGB(0, 0, 0);
$styledShape->shapeStyle = $shapeStyle;
$YourPluingNameRequest = new YourPluingNameRequest();
$YourPluingNameRequest->shapes = array($styledShape);
return $YourPluingNameRequest;
* @see ServerCaller::initializeResult()
public function initializeResult($YourPluingNameResult)
* @see ServerCaller::handleResult()
public function handleResult($YourPluingNameResult)
My YourPluingName.php is
class YourPluingNameRequest extends CwSerializable
* Styled shapes to be drawn
* @var array
public $shapes;
* @see CwSerializable::unserialize()
public function unserialize($struct)
$this->shapes = self::unserializeObjectMap($struct,
* Result
* @package Plugins
class YourPluingNameResult
My YourPluingName.wsdl.inc is
<!-- outline -->
<complexType name="Color">
<element name="r" type="xsd:int"/>
<element name="g" type="xsd:int"/>
<element name="b" type="xsd:int"/>
<complexType name="ShapeStyle">
<element name="symbol" type="xsd:int"/>
<element name="size" type="xsd:int"/>
<element name="color" type="types:Color"/>
<element name="outlineColor" type="types:Color"/>
<element name="backgroundColor" type="types:Color"/>
<element name="transparency" type="xsd:int"/>
<complexType name="LabelStyle">
<element name="font" type="xsd:int"/>
<element name="size" type="xsd:int"/>
<element name="color" type="types:Color"/>
<element name="outlineColor" type="types:Color"/>
<element name="backgroundColor" type="types:Color"/>
<complexType name="StyledShape">
<element name="shapeStyle" type="types:ShapeStyle"/>
<element name="labelStyle" type="types:LabelStyle"/>
<element name="shape" type="types:Shape"/>
<element name="label" type="xsd:string"/>
<complexType name="ArrayOfStyledShape">
<restriction base="enc11:Array">
<attribute ref="enc11:arrayType"
<complexType name="OutlineRequest">
<element name="className" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="shapes" type="types:ArrayOfStyledShape"/>
<element name="maskMode" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<complexType name="OutlineResult">
<element name="className" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="area" type="xsd:double"/>
My ServerYourPluingName.php is
class ServerYourPluingName extends ClientResponderAdapter
* @var Logger
private $log;
* @var objet
private $shapes;
* Constructor
function __construct()
$this->log =& LoggerManager::getLogger(__CLASS__);
* @see ClientResponder::initializeRequest()
function initializeRequest($requ)
if ($requ) $this->shapes = $requ->shapes;
* Result is set in initializeRequest but Outline must be called
* in handlePreDrawing
* @see ClientResponder::handlePreDrawing()
function handlePreDrawing($requ)
if ($requ)
$pluginManager = $this->serverContext->getPluginManager();
if (empty($pluginManager->outline))
throw new CartoserverException("outline plugin not loaded,
"."and needed to draw the new element");
What's wrong?
Thank you
Alessandro Simplício - Brazil
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