[Cartoweb-dev] Linear referencing and poly lines

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Mon Dec 3 03:17:00 EST 2007

Cartoweb only display what Mapserver return (the source being postgis or 
Mapserver shouldnt have any problem handling polylines as far as I know.
what error message do you get ?

as for linear referencing, im sorry but I dont have any knowledge in that 


> Hi
> Thanks for the quick reply to my last question, it was very helpful. I
> have tried importing a set of roads via the shp to sql converter and
> adding them to a geodatabase to use in cartoweb. However cartoweb
> crashes every time I do so. Does cartoweb support poly lines? I would
> also like to import data that has been linear referenced in arcgis but
> am not sure how to get cartoweb and postgis to handle linear
> referencing.
> Thank you for your assistance
> Simba
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