[Cartoweb-dev] how to give user authentication

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Wed Oct 31 05:01:18 EDT 2007


I agree the documentation is not so clear.

basicaly you need to create some users like users.*username* = *password_md5*
in the auth.ini file
for example users.alice = e3e4faee0cc7fc55ad402f517cdaf40
(see doc to see how to generate the md5sums of the password)

if you just want to prevent unauthorised people to access your application, all you have to do is :
1) enable the auth plugin in the list of plugin in file client.ini
2) add in the client.ini :
securityAllowedRoles = loggedIn
(meaning people have to log in to access.
loggedIn is a special role already defined in Cartoweb.)
3) create the users in the auth.ini (as the example above)

a few plugins may be set to use the authentication, for example "exportPdf" or "edit", refer to the corresponding plugin documentation to see the details.

you can also define new roles, but unless you start modifing existing plugin or developping new one, you dont really need that.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: natasha chatterjee 
  To: cartoweb-dev at lists.maptools.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 9:44 AM
  Subject: [Cartoweb-dev] how to give user authentication

          please can anyone tell me how to do the user authentication in cartoweb
          I am a beginner as far as using of cartoweb is concerned . 
          Looking forward to a reponse eagerly.


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