[Cartoweb-users] Tooltips plugin

Max Ueda mhanzo at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 12:33:26 EST 2006


I've been trying to activate this plugin for some
days, and I feel that there is something missing.

In the documentation (
, there are some issues that I couldn't understand.

Everything at the client.ini and myProject.ini is set,
it appears to be loading (because when I did not
configure the server side ini file, Cartoweb threw an
error message saying that it was not loaded at

I´ve been trying to use the "Mouse Timeout
Asynchronous" approach. There is some piece of code on
the yellow boxes of the document, that at first
glance, made me think that they should be placed at a
new toolTips.ini file, but it looks similar to the
code that has to be written at layers.ini . I tried to
do both approaches (writing a new ini file and, to
write the lines at layers.ini with the name of the
layer I wished the plugin to display the tooltips with
the object data) but none of them seemed to work. 

I have also set ajaxOn = true at client.ini   .

What am I missing to make this plugin work?

Thanks in advance,

Max Ueda

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