[Cartoweb-users] FGL database driver fatal error when calling assign_vertex_id

Fay Du fay.du at versaterm.com
Fri Mar 17 13:31:29 EST 2006

Hi list:
I have following commands in a 4GL program; I am trying to call a stored
function in pgsql
        LET sql_stmt = "SELECT assign_vertex_id('",
                      street_nodeid_table CLIPPED, "', 1)"
       PREPARE assign_vertex_id FROM sql_stmt
       EXECUTE assign_vertex_id
I got this fatal error:
FGL database driver fatal error in SqlStatementPgs.c (line 890)
Data type 2278 not supported for column #1.
The weird thing is all data have been filled. It seems the program
crashed at the end. And table column names have gone if I open pgAdmin
tool to see the table.
If I run same command, "SELECT assign_vertex_id('street_rds', 1); ",
inside pgsql, everything is fine. 
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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