[Cartoweb-users] Filter

Alexandre Saunier alexandre.saunier at camptocamp.com
Wed Oct 4 09:41:20 EDT 2006


you have to write a new plugin that will:
- cartoclient side : retrieve the filter criteria from your web form and 
send a matching request to the cartoserver
- cartoserver side : retrieve the request sent by the cartoclient and 
build the matching MapScript filters.

Briefly (classes names are examples):

* plugin client part :

class ClientFilters extends ClientPlugin
                     implements ServerCaller, GuiProvider {

     public function handleHttpPostRequest($request) {
         // retrieves the criteria from the webform

     public function renderForm($smarty) {
         // builds your web form

     public function buildRequest() {
         // sends request to cartoserver
         $filterRequest = new FilterRequest;
         $filterRequest->month = 'January';
         $filterRequest->layer = 'FIRES';
         return $filterRequest

* plugin server part

class ServerRequest extends ServerPlugin
                     implements ClientResponder {

     public function initializeRequest($requ) {
         $msMapObj = $this->serverContext->getMapObj();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $msMapObj->numlayers; $i++) {
             $msLayer = $msMapObj->getLayer($i);
             if ($msLayer->name == $requ->layer) {
                 $filter = sprintf("month = '%s'",

* in the common part you have to define the FilterRequest and 
FilterResult objects. FilterResult is probably a void class (nothing to 


Adriano Hantequeste Gomes wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry but my english is not very well. But i try explan:
> For exemple I can select on combox "Mouth", January, after click on
> "OK". In shape "FIRES" exists a field "Mouth". After I can display
> only "FIRES" of the January.
> OK?

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