[Cartoweb-users] Newbie plugin question

Milo van der Linden mlinden at zeelandnet.nl
Mon Jul 30 07:06:02 EDT 2007

Hello list!

I am new here. I am a Mapserver specialist currently involved with a
mapserver/cartoweb3 implementation for a client. I picked up a project
done on an internship.

I have a question:

Within myProject there is a plugin called views. It is called from a
button bar within a cartoclient.php that is present in my project by the
variable $viewForm.

I want to copy the views plugin and fit it to my specific needs called
"advisors". The "advisors" plugin will walk users through some sort of
wizard (a sequence of screens) where they fill in variables that will
later generate a query.

Is this possible from within a popup that slides from the bottom of the
screen or is it advised to use a floating form?

How can I call my plugin template from a button in a way that is like
the way the {$viewForm) parameter acts?

Any help appreciated!

Kind regards,



Milo van der Linden
mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>


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