[Cartoweb-users] distance and surface tools

Ian Lawrence irlawrence at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 30 13:36:38 EST 2007

It is in the file statictool.ini which is in (you may need to copy or
create this file if it is not in this folder

i put this in it:
; use negative weights to disable some statictools
weightDistance = -80
weightSurface = -81

and then I recompiled like this:

root at zionmainframe:/var/www/cartoweb3# php cw3setup.php --install

have a good weekend too !
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On 3/30/07, Yves Jacolin <yjacolin at free.fr> wrote:
> Le Vendredi 30 Mars 2007 18:22, Ian Lawrence a écrit:
> > Hi,
> > I would like the surface and distance tools not to be displayed. I
> > cannot see in the docs how to turn them off...any ideas?
> > []'s
> > Ian
> hi,
> Just give them a negative weight in some config file (but I can't remember the
> filename :-(
> Welcome week-end !
> Y.
> --
> Yves Jacolin
> -------------
> http://yjacolin.gloobe.org
> http://softlibre.gloobe.org
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