[Cartoweb-users] Using junctions (windows symbolic links ) todeploy CartoWeb project

Loïc Devaux devloic at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 08:38:32 EDT 2007

Hi Oliver,

Windows 2000/XP  (don't know about Vista) doesn't support symbolic-links 
to files , that's true, but it is possible to have symbolic links to 
....... directories using NTFS junction points and that's what the 
script is about.
It is not recommended to delete the symbolic links like any other 
directory (although I did that plenty of times and nothing bad happened) 
but to use the tool they were created with , here junction.exe. Again, 
the script is using junction.exe to delete things cleanly.

 From what I read, hard links and symbolic links are not officially  
supported (except for Vista ?) although Windows uses them internally.

More info about junction.exe here :

and windows symbolic links and hard links:
Oliver Christen a écrit :
> just a note to warn users that windows only support hard-links and not 
> symbolic-links, meaning if you delete the files at one place they are 
> deleted everywere, unlike linux
> regards
> Oliver
>> Hello list,
>> in order to avoid constant redeployment on windows of javascript, css ,
>> gfx files ... I modified  cw3setup.php to use junctions (= symbolic
>> links under Windows).
>> More info and download available here:
>> http://exportgge.sourceforge.net/kml/node/55
>> Loïc
>> ---------------------------
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> afin de ne plus être obligé sous windows de redéployer en permanence des
>> ressources javascript, css et autres j'ai modifié cw3setup.php afin
>> qu'il utilise des jonctions (= liens symboliques sous windows).
>> Plus d'info et téléchargement ici:
>> http://exportgge.sourceforge.net/kml/node/56
>> Loïc
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