AW: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with iexplore

Asamer Hubert (grafotech) hubert.asamer at
Mon May 26 07:15:08 EDT 2008


My Problem with the edit-plugin still remains. I changed both js files,
but there is no effect... I also inspected the application with
DOM-Inspector, all Tabledata (TD) values for the created edit feature
have no id's! I am new to javascript, maybe that is the problem *gg*

Best Regards



Von: Oliver Christen [mailto:oliver.christen at] 
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Mai 2008 16:03
An: Asamer Hubert (grafotech); cartoweb-users at
Betreff: Re: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with iexplore



I just logged on a windows system outside of our network, installed
TortoiseCVS and succeded to get Cartoweb cvs without problem.

When you say it the cvs-string didnt work, what error are you getting
exactly ?

you used ":pserver:anonymous at" as
cvs-string and clicked on the "Fetch list.." button ?




	----- Original Message ----- 

	From: Asamer Hubert (grafotech)
<mailto:hubert.asamer at>  

	To: Oliver Christen <mailto:oliver.christen at>  ;
cartoweb-users at 

	Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 1:44 PM

	Subject: AW: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with iexplore



	Some questions again...I'm trying to download the cvs version
(to solve the iexplore problem) of Cartoweb 3.4.0. I am using
TortoiseCVS on win32. The given cvs-string (cvsroot) on the cartoweb
homepage does not work on my client. Are there any weblinks to the cvs
version (daily packages) or something else?




	Von: Oliver Christen [mailto:oliver.christen at] 
	Gesendet: Dienstag, 06. Mai 2008 13:58
	An: Asamer Hubert (grafotech); cartoweb-users at
	Betreff: Re: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with iexplore


	the problem is the same, the element can not be accessed. if you
do a alert(typeOf(input)) you will get an "undefined".


	so you should check in Firefox if the inputs of the edit form
have an id set, using either Firebug or DOMInspector.

	If not, then check you have added the modification in
hdtmlEdit.js and refreshed your browser cache.




		----- Original Message ----- 

		From: Asamer Hubert (grafotech)
<mailto:hubert.asamer at>  

		To: Oliver Christen
<mailto:oliver.christen at>  ;
cartoweb-users at 

		Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 12:53 PM

		Subject: AW: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with iexplore



		I changed the js files following your instructions....
now i get an iexplore-error at line 141 (the line i changed in
dhtmlinit.js)  - error: object expected. 

		Any ideas? 




		----------------My dhtmlInit.js file (only the
storefeatures function):---------------------


		storeFeatures = function() {

		  for (var i=0;i < mainmap.currentLayer.features.length;
i++) {

		    var aFeature = mainmap.currentLayer.features[i];

		    if (typeof(mainmap.editAttributeNames) !=
'undefined') {

		      for (var j = 0; j <
mainmap.editAttributeNames.length; j++) {

		        if (mainmap.editAttributeTypes[j] == "")


		        var input = $('edit_feature_' + +
'[' + mainmap.editAttributeNames[j] + ']');

(!validateFormInput(mainmap.editAttributeTypes[j], input.value)) {

		          return false;




		    if (aFeature.operation != 'undefined') {

		      // store geometry

		      createInput(myform, "edit_feature_" +
+ "[WKTString]", aFeature.getWKT(), 'hidden');

		      // store operation

		      createInput(myform, "edit_feature_" +
+ "[operation]", aFeature.operation, 'hidden');



		  return true;



		----------------My dhtmledit.js file (part from
editTableAddRow function):-----------------------


		else {

		  var inputname = "edit_feature_" + + "[" +
this.editAttributeNames[i] + "]";

		  var input = createInput(td, inputname, value, 'text');

		  input.setAttribute("id", inputname);





		Von: Asamer Hubert (grafotech) 
		Gesendet: Dienstag, 06. Mai 2008 10:17
		An: 'Oliver Christen'
		Betreff: AW: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with iexplore





		Now i've installed the script debugger... The error
message is: A Runtime Error has occured- do you wish to debug? Line: 142
Error: 'Value is null or not an object' ..... When i go into the script
debugger it points me direct to the code part you sent me (storeFeatures
function)  ... Line 142 is: ---->if
(!validateFormInput(mainmap.editAttributeTypes[j], input.value)) {
<----- i think that's the problem; will try to follow your
recommondations you sent me before. Thanks.

		Best Regards



		Von: Oliver Christen
[mailto:oliver.christen at] 
		Gesendet: Dienstag, 06. Mai 2008 09:27
		An: Asamer Hubert (grafotech);
cartoweb-users at
		Betreff: Re: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with iexplore



		thinking about your problem, it reminds me something
about IE unable to get an input by its name if the input name has a
certain syntax, though I dont remember exactly the syntax details.


		The problem is in function storeFeatures (in
dhtmlInit.js) on line 
		var input = eval("myform['edit_feature_" + +
"[" + mainmap.editAttributeNames[j] + "]']");

		I think i had that problem in a project and it was
solved by adding an id to the input when it's being generated in

		this is done by replacing:

		var input = createInput(td,
		  "edit_feature_" + + "[" +
this.editAttributeNames[i] + "]", 
		  value, inputtype)

		by :

		var inputname = "edit_feature_" + + "[" +
this.editAttributeNames[i] + "]";
		var input = createInput(td, inputname, value, 'text');

		input.setAttribute("id", inputname);


		and then you can replace the line in dhtmlInit.jd:

		var input = eval("myform['edit_feature_" + +
"[" + mainmap.editAttributeNames[j] + "]']");

		var input = $('edit_feature_' + + '[' +
mainmap.editAttributeNames[j] + ']');


		but then, this is only a guess, as you never gave me the
exact error message.




			----- Original Message ----- 

			From: Asamer Hubert (grafotech)
<mailto:hubert.asamer at>  

			To: Oliver Christen
<mailto:oliver.christen at>  ;
cartoweb-users at 

			Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 10:50 AM

			Subject: AW: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with



			Can you please give me a short description of
the changes must be made in "dhtmlEdit.js" to workaround the
iexplore-problem.... I know it is not the clean but the dirty way... Or
is it better to replace the js-file with the newer cvs-file? I have a
running application and do not want to reinstall cartoweb... Thank you
for your help!




			Von: Oliver Christen
[mailto:oliver.christen at] 
			Gesendet: Freitag, 25. April 2008 07:22
			An: Asamer Hubert (grafotech);
cartoweb-users at
			Betreff: Re: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin with


			well, the problem is the edition dhtml is partly
linked with the main dhtml (where I also had to correct some part linked
to edition) so I wouldnt advice you to mix up files, it would almost
certainly result is a total mess. But you can easily set up two version
of cartoweb on your server without problems. Simply install it in
another folder.


			as for the javascript error, could you eventualy
install IE's script debugger, which gives a little bit more details,
usualy enough to trace the error:

			the files is named scd10en.exe

			you also have to uncheck the options "Disable
script debuggin (IE)" and "Disable script debuggin (other)" in the
advanced tab in IE's Internet Options




				----- Original Message ----- 

				From: Asamer Hubert (grafotech)
<mailto:hubert.asamer at>  

				To: Oliver Christen
<mailto:oliver.christen at>  ;
cartoweb-users at 

				Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:30 PM

				Subject: RE: [Cartoweb-users] edit
plugin with iexplore


				I am using the stable version 3.4.

				Should i only replace the javascript
part of the edit-plugin or is more needed?


				My error is (in german): value' ist Null
oder kein Object , Zeile 143 Zeichen 9, Code 0



				Von: Oliver Christen
[mailto:oliver.christen at] 
				Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. April 2008
				An: Asamer Hubert (grafotech);
cartoweb-users at
				Betreff: Re: [Cartoweb-users] edit
plugin with iexplore


				which version of Cartoweb are you using

				I have patched a few bugs in the
edition's javascript some time ago but only in the CVS version of


				what error do you get exactly ?

				----- Original Message ----- 

				From: Asamer Hubert (grafotech)
<mailto:hubert.asamer at>  

				To: cartoweb-users at 

				Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:54 PM

				Subject: [Cartoweb-users] edit plugin
with iexplore


				Hello list,

				I have a problem with my application's
edition plugin. 

				With firefox everything works: 3
different user can edit their own postgis tables. These users have no
editor role (custom role names for security views) 

				In Iexplore i get an non-object error
when i want to validate my editions.... In a past thread i read about to
give every user the editor role. 

				But this works only for one user an not
for n users... Has anybody tested cartoweb 3.4 with IE 7 ? Or are there
any workarounds for this problem?

				Thanks for any answers




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