[Cartoweb-users] Plugin search problem : misconfiguration orframewok problem

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Tue May 27 03:54:50 EDT 2008

well, the FROM () seems empty, thats will certainly not work.
print '['.$sql.']';
on line 337, just after " if (!is_null($number)) { "
and let me know what's the output

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: thomas gratier 
  To: cartoweb-users at lists.maptools.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:08 AM
  Subject: [Cartoweb-users] Plugin search problem : misconfiguration orframewok problem

  Hello all,

  I need some help. I'm configuring "basic usage" of the search plugin and I encounter this message

  CartoWeb version: 3.4.0 [$Revision: 1.7 $]
  class:   CartocommonException
  message:   Failed executing total SQL query Message: DB Error: unknown error  Userinfo: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM () [nativecode=ERROR:  subquery in FROM must have an alias
  HINT:  For example, FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] foo.]

  file: 342 - C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3\plugins\search\common\Search.php
  call: Utils::checkDbError(Object(DB_Error), "Failed executing total SQL query")

  file: 269 - C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3\plugins\search\client\ClientSearch.php
  call: DbResultProvider->getResult(Object(SearchRequest))

  file: 265 - C:\ms4w\apps\cartoweb3\client\ClientPluginHelper.php
  call: ClientSearch->initializeResult(Null)

  call: ServerCallerHelper->initializeResultHelper(Object(ClientSearch), Object(MapResult))


  This message seems to say for the count in Search.php I need to add an "as foo" at line 342 but I'm not supposed to touch this code : I suppose it works. (If I correct it, it doesn't work too: the GUI plugin search stop) 

  Someone got an idea about my problem. Does it come from from my configuration files or from a bug from the framework.
  You'll find below my configuration files search.ini, search.tpl, Search.ajax.js, search_results.tpl and my *.map

  I've activated search plugins on both side (server and client), I've inserted the code for the tpl and the ajax in cartoclient.tpl

  ############## search.ini #########################

  ;name search configuration
  dsn = pgsql://user_name:password@localhost:5432/database_name
  encodingContext = search_parc
  config.parc_2.provider.type = fulltextTable
  config.parc_2.provider.table = parc_2
  config.parc_2.provider.aliases = idnum,idnum,ident,ident,feuille,feuille,co_se_fe,co_se_fe,lieudit,lieudit,tex2,tex2,idu,idu,nature,nature,classe,classe,tex,tex,codm,codm,coar,coar,supf,supf,indp,indp,ncompte,ncompte,proprio,proprio,surf_gra,surf_gra,ctr_surf,ctr_surf,cad_dif,cad_dif,insee,insee,comparc,comparc,touche,touche,grpro,grpro,commune,commune,numprop,numprop,trouv,trouv,plu,plu
  config.parc_2.provider.id = gid
  config.parc_2.provider.columns = gid,ident,ncompte,proprio,
  config.parc_2.provider.fulltextColumns = ident,ncompte,proprio
  config.parc_2.provider.sortColumn = ident
  config.parc_2.provider.sortDirection = asc
  config.parc_2.provider.sortPriorities = ident, ncompte, proprio
  config.parc_2.provider.labels =  ident, proprio
  config.parc_2.formatter.type = smarty
  config.parc_2.formatter.template = search_results

  ############## client.ini #########################

  ;!!!Do not edit this file, it is generated. Edit the .in instead!!!   
  cartoclientBaseUrl = "http://www.i-sig.biz:8080/cartoweb3/htdocs"  
  profile = development

  ajaxOn = true
  mapId = chapareillan

  ;Set encoding for files

  EncoderClass.search_parc = EncoderISO
  showProjectChooser = false

  ; ## Plugins ##    

  loadPlugins = layerReorder,edit,auth,locate,search

  toolbarRendering = outline   

  langList = 

  toolPickerOn = true

  viewOn = true
  viewStorage = file
  viewablePlugins = layers,query,edit,auth,search
  viewMetas = author
  viewAuth = all

  ############## extract of myproject.map #########################

      NAME "parc_2"
      CONNECTIONTYPE postgis
      CONNECTION "user=user_name password=password host=localhost dbname=database_name"
      DATA "the_geom from (select * from parc_2) as foo USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=27572"
      TEMPLATE "ttt"
        "wms_title" "parc_2"
        "exported_values" "recenter_name_string,id_attribute_string"
        "recenter_name_string" "ident"
        "id_attribute_string" "gid|string" # query
        "query_returned_attributes" "gid idnum ident feuille co_se_fe lieudit tex2 idu nature classe tex codm coar supf indp ncompte proprio surf_gra ctr_surf cad_dif insee comparc touche grpro commune numprop trouv"
         NAME 'parc_2' 
           SYMBOL 0 
           SIZE 10 
           OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
           COLOR 255 255 255

  ############## search.tpl #########################

  <div id="search_div">
          <fieldset><legend>{t}Recherche parcellaire{/t}</legend> <br/>
              <table width="100%">
                        {t}Parcelle: {/t}
                          <input type="text" id="search_ident" 
                            name="search_ident" size="13"/> 
                          {t}Proprietaire par compte: {/t}
                          <input type="text" id="search_ncompte" 
                            name="search_ncompte" size="13"/> 
                          {t}Proprietaire par nom: {/t}
                          <input type="text" id="search_proprio" 
                            name="search_proprio" size="13"/> 

                <input type="submit" value="{t}Search{/t}" class="form_button"
                 onclick="javaScript: CartoWeb.trigger('Search.DoIt'); return false;"/>
                <input type="hidden" id="search_config" name="search_config" value="parc_2" />
                <input type="hidden" id="search_sort_column" name="search_sort_column" value="ident"/>
                <input type="hidden" id="search_sort_direction" name="search_sort_direction" value="asc" />
                <input type="hidden" id="search_number" name="search_number" value="10"/>

                <div id="search_results_div"></div>

  ############## search_results.tpl #########################

  {if $table->numRows > 0}
       <table class="yourCssClass">
              {foreach from=$table->columnIds item=column}
              <th> <a href="JavaScript: order('{$column}');">{t}{$column}{/t}</a></th>               
           {foreach from=$table->rows item=row}
              {foreach from=$row->cells item=value}
              <td><a href="JavaScript: recenter('{$row->rowId}');">{$value}</a></td>
       {t}No results{/t}

  ############## Search.ajax.js #########################

  AjaxPlugins.Search = {
      handleResponse: function(pluginOutput) {
          //should be the same value as the input search_config
          if (pluginOutput.htmlCode.parc_2)
              $('search_results_div').innerHTML = pluginOutput.htmlCode.parc_2;


      * Search plugin's Actions

      AjaxPlugins.Search.Actions = {};

      AjaxPlugins.Search.Actions.DoIt = {

        buildPostRequest: function(argObject) {
          return AjaxHandler.buildPostRequest();

      function order(column) {

        if (column != $('search_sort_column').value) {
          $('search_sort_column').value = column;
          $('search_sort_direction').value = 'asc';
        } else {
          if ($('search_sort_direction').value == 'asc') {
          $('search_sort_direction').value = 'desc';
          } else {
          $('search_sort_direction').value = 'asc';


      function recenter(id){
        if ($('search_config').value == 'parc_2') {
          //id to recenter, be sure there is a hidden input with that name and 
          //id in your template! if not, add it
          $('id_recenter_ids').value = id;

          /* if the search database table name is the same as the related layer 
          to recenter on, you can set it as below
          be sure there is a hidden input with that name and id in your template! 
          if not, add it */
          $('id_recenter_layer').value = $('search_config').value;

          /* do not use the recenter_scale parameter if you recenter on ids, 
          only use it with recenter on x,y.
          you can set the recenter scale in location.ini on server side */

          /* do not use the recenter_doit parameter if you recenter on ids,
          only use it with recenter on x,y. */

      function search(config) {
      $('search_config').value = config;
      if (config == 'parc_2') {
          $('search_number').value = 10;

  Thanks for any help

  Thomas G


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