Hi list,<br> <br> I had problems with the data relative to the plugin routing, I did not manage to get the "the_geom" and "txt" columns in my vertices_table. The names of my towns were stored in a table (let's call it "town") with a geometry exactly corresponding to the nodes of the roads_table.<br> Finally i fixed it like this:<br> <br> SELECT addGeometryColumn( ' vertices_table', ''the_geom'', -1, ''POINT'', 2) ;<br> <br> UPDATE vertices_table SET the_geom = NULL ;<br> <br> UPDATE vertices_table SET the_geom = startPoint(geometryn(m.the_geom, 1)) FROM geom_table m WHERE geom_id = m.source_id ;<br> <br> UPDATE vertices_table SET the_geom = endPoint(geometryn(m.the_geom, 1)) FROM geom_table m where geom_id = m.target_id AND vertices_table.the_geom IS NULL ;<br> <br> then just need to add a column and joint with the table "town"<br> <br> ALTER TABLE geom_table ADD COLUMN txt varchar;<br> <br> UPDATE vertices_table SET txt=town.txt WHERE
vertices_table.the_geom = town.the_geom ;<br> <br> hope this helps<br> <br> guillaume<br> <p> 
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