Hi all,<br><br>I am trying to use the toolTips plugins on my project, but the JS Debugger always notes that there is no result to my request.<br>I activated the plugin in my client.ini, added a toolTips.ini file in client_conf:<br><br>timeout_async.Antiq1.label = "Antiquity"<br>timeout_async.Antiq1.dsn = "pgsql://myuser:mypasswd@localhost:5432/mydb"<br>timeout_async.Antiq1.dbTableName = atlas<br>timeout_async.Antiq1.attributes = "site,antiq1,link"<br><br>I added <br><br> {if $toolTips_active|default:''}<br> <script type="text/javascript" <br> src="{r type=js plugin=toolTips}overlib_mini.js{/r}"></script><br> <script type="text/javascript"<br> src="{r type=js plugin=toolTips}ToolTips.ajax.js{/r}"></script><br>{/if}<br><br>to my cartoclient.tpl header ;<br>Antiq1 is the name of my mapfile layer, as well as my cartoweb.ini layer ;<br>the
connection to my DB is ok since the query plugin works...<br><br>Did I forget anything?<br><br><br>thanks<br>G.<br><p> 
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