Hello,<br><br>regarding my previous post on creating a cross (or a point) at given coordinates via Ajax,<br>I suppose the plugin involved is OUTLINE.<br><br>I noticed that the outline plugin has an ajax action to use (AddFeature) that could do the job,<br>
but I don't understand how to use it (I have the plugin installed, of course).<br><br>In the handleResponse of my plugin I have:<br><br> document.forms['carto_form'].recenter_x.value = result.location_x;<br>
document.forms['carto_form'].recenter_y.value = result.location_y;<br><br> CartoWeb.trigger('Location.Recenter', 'doSubmit()');<br> CartoWeb.trigger('Outline.AddFeature', 'doSubmit()');<br>
<br clear="all">The second trigger is, of course, not working. <br><br>I know that the outline plugin may be called via GET, giving it the parameter "outline_point"<br>with the coordinates of the point but...:<br>
<br>1. how do I could "trigger" the outline plugin via ajax, having it drawing the point and the label?<br>2. is that the right way (calling two or three ajax asyncronous triggers) to add feature,<br>or could I do it on my ClientPluginName.php script? How?<br>
<br>Thank you,<br><br>-- <br>Claudio Cicali<br><a href="mailto:claudio.cicali@gmail.com">claudio.cicali@gmail.com</a><br><a href="http://claudio.cicali.name">http://claudio.cicali.name</a>