[Chameleon-dev] Kool New Widget

Sacha Fournier
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 12:09:19 -0400

Just to let you know, I've commited a new widget that display charts 
using the unbeatable OWTChart ( The 
widget simply support ALL OWTChart CGI parameters as Chameleon 
parameters. When redering, the widget build a <IMG> tag that call the 
CGI with the correct parameters.

The widget takes the data to be displayed from a SharedResource 
(SQLQuery, XMLRPC and others).

Here a quick use example:

<HEAD><TITLE>OWT Chart testing</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY OnLoad="CWC2OnLoadFunction">
<CWC2 Type="SQLQuery" Server="mysql-master" Database="my_db" 
UserName="guest" Password="my_pwd" SQLQuery="SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, 
EmployeeType FROM Employee GROUP BY EmployeeType"/>

<CWC2 Type="OWTChart" XTitle="My X Title" grid="true" 3D="true" 
ChartType="BAR" SharedResourceName="SQLQuery" XLabels="EmployeeType" 
Vals="[cnt]" Title="Employee by type" SetColors="FF0000!00FF00" 
Width="640" Height="480"/>

<CWC2 Type="Table" SharedResourceName="SQLQuery">
    <Template Name="body" content="<br>%cnt% %EmployeeType%"/>

Sacha Fournier
Applications Developer
DM Solutions Group
tel: 418.696.5056
fax: 418.696.5056
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