[Chameleon-dev] major cvs commit

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Tue Apr 13 14:14:35 EDT 2004


I've just committed a large change to cvs affecting all widgets (related 
to bug 47).  This change was necessary to ensure that all widgets could 
and are accessing form variables in a case-insensitive manner.  I did 
erroneously commit a few files with invalid syntax, I believe they are 
all fixed now but if you notice any odd behaviour or widgets that won't 
load, pls let me know via bugzilla.

Three new functions have been added to the base Widget class,

isVarSet( $szVarName )
getVar( $szVarName )
setVar( $szVarName, $szValue )

and all access of the moURLArray array has been converted to use these 
three functions.  These functions act on a single instance of 
HttpFormVars managed by the application instance.  The moURLArray still 
exists and works in the same way that it used to, but it is deprecated 
and will be removed in the next version.  Please update your code 

All new code must use the new functions.

On that note, we will probably do the same thing to maParams at some 
point (but not now)


|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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