[Chameleon-dev] cvs restructuring

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Thu Oct 7 11:03:59 EDT 2004


I am going to make some changes to the cvs structure of chameleon, the 
changes are going to be made directly on the cvs repository in an 
attempt to maintain revision history of the files involved.

I will be making these changes today at 1:00PM EST

The changes are:

create chameleon/docs
create chameleon/docs/xml
create chameleon/docs/html
move chameleon/html/*.html to chameleon/docs/html

These changes are necessary to our long term strategy for maintaining 
documentation and providing it in multiple formats generated from a base 
of xml (docbook) formatted documents.

They are also being made partly to address bug 570.

The impact on end users of cvs will be that you will have to run

cvs update -d

to get new directories, and then delete the chameleon/html directory (as 
it is no longer required).

For the documentation folks, you will need to commit all your changes 
before the move.  If you cannot or do not, don't worry, you can copy 
your changed files from the html directory into the docs/html directory 
and then commit.

Note that it is good practice to make a copy/backup of your chameleon 
before updating (at any time).  It is a particularly good idea when I 
warn you (like I am doing now).

Please report any problems after the switch over.



|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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