[Chameleon-dev] Chameleon 2.0, 2.1 and CVS ... pay attention!

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jan 11 16:19:45 EST 2005


with the release of Chameleon 2.0 today, we now have a cvs management 
issue.  I have branched cvs with the tag 'chameleon20'.  From this point 
forward, you can work with either the HEAD (cvs term for no branch) or 
the chameleon20 branch.

All new work will go into HEAD and be part of chameleon 2.1.  Chameleon 
2.1 will become chameleon 2.2 in about 5 months and will incorporate all 
changes, bug fixes and new features.

In the mean time, if there are bugs to fix in 2.0, or documentation 
changes, these must go in both the chameleon20 branch AND the HEAD of 
cvs (if appropriate).  It is a manual process to copy changes from one 
branch to the other (well, there is an automated way but I've never had 
success with it).

If you are maintaining stuff in chameleon 2.0, I suggest that you check 
out a new copy of the chameleon20 branch using:

cvs co -r chameleon20 -d chameleon20 chameleon

this will create a chameleon20 directory with all the files from 
chameleon 2.0 in it.  Any changes you make here and commit to cvs will 
go into the chameleon20 branch only.  If the changes are pertinent to 
2.1 then you must also maintain a directory with the HEAD branch in it 
and copy the changes to the HEAD branch.  This would be your current CVS 
directory, or you can check it out using

cvs co chameleon

this will create a chameleon directory, and changes to this will only go 
into the HEAD cvs.

If you have any doubts, ask me.

The stuff that goes into the common directory is a separate CVS project 
called php_utils.  I have tagged this project with "chameleon20" but I 
have not created a branch.  I will only create a branch in php_utils if 
it becomes necessary.  In general, all files in php_utils will maintain 
compatibility with both versions.


|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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