[Chameleon-dev] Chameleon 2.2 is coming

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at dmsolutions.ca
Wed May 25 15:56:11 EDT 2005


A quick overview of what is coming. In the next two weeks I will be 
working on the Chameleon release. The goal is to have Chameleon 2.2 out 
for the conference, mid-June. This gives us 2 weeks to finish the 
release cycle. For now there's not to much bugs in the stack so things 
should go not-too-crazy.

Here's the plan:
Release Chameleon 2.2 beta2 at the end of the week (or monday)
Release Chameleon RC1 on the 3rd based on the feedback of the beta2
Release Chameleon 2.2 on the 13

I know this is a very short time frame, but if we want it for the 
conference we have no choice.

What this mean is that for now, until we branch 2.2 in CVS, there should 
be no new big changes in Chameleon (As before).
This also mean that little enhancements should be added this week. After 
that, only real bug fixes will be allowed until the final release.

I will start by fixing the 2.2 targeted bugs and then I will check any 
with a severity above normal. And if I have time, I may pick some bugs 
in the list we have (there's 200 of them). If you want other bugs to be 
included in the release, please contact me.


Julien-Samuel Lacroix            jlacroix at dmsolutions.ca
DM Solutions Group               http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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