[Chameleon] Adding Points

Ken Sanderson ken at rockies.ca
Fri Aug 6 17:50:15 EDT 2004

A few more questions in regards to adding a point, or points, to the map
within Chameleon. Been tossing around various ideas so my questions are
a bit mixed:

1) I have been looking over the mapscript examples, which are fairly
clear, what I don't understand is how I hook into the map/image that
chameleon is going to return vs returning another image with my points
on it. Is there a way to reference the map object that chameleon is
using from another widget and add points to it?

2) Another method I found an exmaple on was the MapImageSharedResource
in conjunction with SQLQuery Widget, only in my case I would likely
create a widget to build the array of points in another method. It says
in the example: "where you want your map, you should include the
MapImageSharedResource". Where is that supposed to be? In the

3) Lastly while poking around in the drawmap.php file I found some
references to pulling points from the URL, specifically: "Draw points
from URL if necessary" section. Has anyone used this or knows if there
is any functions/widgets/documentation on how this might be used?

Any other methods I might be missing?


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