[Chameleon] Testing Beta2 Service Instance

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Thu Aug 26 16:03:35 EDT 2004

I'm having trouble attempting to test the 1.99 Beta2 CWC2 Service
Instance using the supplied default application. I'm following the
instructions in cwc2/CWC2_INSTALLATION.txt file.

I think I have the service instance installed correctly, following the
steps in that document.

An existing Beta 1 Chameleon 1.99 only application works fine with the
Beta2 installation.
The first service instance test:

returns the correct error message.

But the second service intance test of the default application is
The browser displays:
query string was service=VCG&request=GetApplication&version=0.1.0
Invalid request. No CONTEXTS parameter was provided and the Service
Instance has no default context

I used the supplied default_context: cwc2/contexts/world_context.xml and
template: cwc2/templates/sample_cwc2.html, etc.

My Apache error log is showing:

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  1 in
/usr/opt/chameleon/chameleon-1.99beta-20040709/htdocs/common/appcontext/appcontext.php on line 213
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  param-value in
/usr/opt/chameleon/chameleon-1.99beta-20040709/htdocs/common/appcontext/appcontext.php on line 276

Debugs added by me confirm that appcontext.php is attempting to parse
the correct cwc2.xml file but is failing on the first token in the
parseContextFile() routine.


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