[Chameleon] Adding a projection

Daniel Morissette
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 15:45:52 -0500
Jordy Keighan wrote:
>    I tried adding a projection to my template file :
> <CWC2 TYPE="SharedResource" NAME="projection">
> ----->    <projection name="WGS84 / Simple Mercator" srs="EPSG:41001"/>
>    <projection name="NAD 83 / Geographic" srs="epsg:4269"/>
>    <projection name="WGS 84 / Geopraphic" srs="epsg:4326"/>
>    <projection name="WGS 84 / Auto UTM" srs="AUTO:42001"/>
>    <projection name="WGS 84 / Auto Tr. Mercator" srs="AUTO:42002"/>
>    <projection name="WGS 84 / Auto Orthographic" srs="AUTO:42003"/>
>    <projection name="WGS 84 / Auto Equirectangular" srs="AUTO:42004"/>
>    <projection name="WGS 84 / LCC Canada" srs="epsg:42101"/>
>    <projection name="NAD 83 / NRCan LCC Canada" srs="epsg:42304" 
> default="true"/>
> </CWC2>
> when i try to select it from the projection selector it only brings up 
> the spinner image and nothing happens.
> ( no map request is sent to the server ).
> Is this suppose to work, can we add other projections?
> or am i missing a step?

You also need to make sure that EPSG:41001 is defined in your epsg file 
(C:\proj\nad\epsgon windows, and /usr/local/share/proj/epsg on Unix).  I 
don't think 41001 is part of the epsg file that we distribute, so that's 
likely your problem here.

If you or someone from Cubewerx could send us PROJ4 definitions for all 
the non-standard (41xxx and 42xxx) projections that Cubewerx has defined 
(and that many others are using), we could try to include them in the 
custom epsg file that we distribute on our site.

  Daniel Morissette     
  DM Solutions Group    

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