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[Chameleon] 2 "enhancement bugs"Bart van den Eijnden bartvde@xs4all.nlMon, 12 Jan 2004 21:20:52 +0100
Hi list, I have 2 feature requests / "enhancement bugs" which in my opinion would make a nice addition to Chameleon, but there is also some overlap with PHP/Mapscript I guess. What would be the best place to put these, Chameleon bugzilla or Mapserver bugzilla? 1. SLD/Filter in the Web Map Context I see that the Web Map Context standard already has a place (<Style> element) for including the SLD. This would open up the possibility of saving a selection created with the ExpressionBuilder widget into the Web Map Context file. 2. scale dependent LegendTemplate widget The current LegendTemplate implementation does not look at the MINSCALE and MAXSCALE values to determine if a layer is visible or not. Would be a nice addition in my opinion to have a LegendTemplate which looks into these values to determine whether or not to include the layer. Best regards, Bart
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