[Chameleon] save SLD/open SLD widgets

Godwin, Liz Godwinl at AGR.GC.CA
Mon Jun 21 10:34:18 EDT 2004

In my mind, I would want to do the reverse.  Download/Save an SLD first,
and then make chnages to it, and apply it to the map.  

I just assumed that download(save) SLD would extract (WMS request -
GetStyles) on the active layer.  This doesn't happen because I can do it
manually using the same service being accessed by the context file. 

Ok.. So I made my own SLD using a manual request on Mapserver
(version=1.1.1&request=getStyles&layer=park - using gmap demo wms
service) and then tried to open this using the open widget, and it
failed. Nothing happened.  

What now?


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Spencer [mailto:pagameba at magma.ca] 
Sent: June 18, 2004 5:21 PM
To: Godwin, Liz
Cc: chameleon at lists.maptools.org
Subject: Re: [Chameleon] save SLD/open SLD widgets


I just tried this (as per comments in bug:


and it works fine for me ... what exactly are you trying to do?  A layer

must have classes and styles associated with it to be available for 
extracting an SLD document for it.

So I should explain ...

In the client map file (either loaded by Context or MAP file) you will 
have WMS layers.  When you Upload an SLD, the SLD is applied to the 
layers in the map file by finding a layer of the appropriate name for 
each NamedLayer element in the SLD, and then classes and styles are 
created for each rule/symbolizer.  When you download the SLD document, 
it does the reverse ... so for each WMS layer, it will create a 
NamedLayer in the generated SLD and create rules and symbolizers for 
each of the class/styles on each layer.  Right now, the only way to 
create these classes/styles is to upload an SLD first or use the 
sample_other with the SECTPopup widget (which does have some problems 
still), or create a MAP file with WMS client layers and create 
classes/styles on them (if you do this, you need to add a metadata item 
to your layer "wms_sld_body" "auto" (I think this is right)



Godwin, Liz wrote:

> Could someone (Paul ? ) please explain how the Open/Save SLD widgets 
> are
> supposed to work?  When I try to use them (in ogc sample) it says that

> there are no layers or classes to export.  Should I be doing something

> first?  Is there a setting somewhere?
> Thanks!
> Liz Godwin
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