[Chameleon] OGR and Query Widget
Paul Spencer
pagameba at magma.ca
Mon Sep 13 22:36:32 EDT 2004
I'm pretty sure that I've seen it used without problems. Some things to
make sure of with querying:
* layer has a 'template' value set - doesn't have to be valid:
TEMPLATE "ttt.html"
* layer has a non-zero tolerance set
* layer is ON (DEFAULT should work too, but try ON)
* there was a bug in the query code from php_utils (found under common
in chameleon) that caused problems if there were also WMS layers that
were queryable but that didn't return results. You will need to update
from CVS until the next version is out (no timeline yet, sorry)
Pascoe,Tim [Burlington] wrote:
> Does anyone know if the query widget can be used to query
> results from a virtual OGR data source. I’ve tried implementing it, but
> I’ve had no luck so far. I just get an empty query popup window.
> Thanks,
> Timothy Pascoe
> Environment Canada / Environnement Canada
> Canada Centre for Inland Waters / Centre Canadien des Eaux Intérieures
> 867 Lakeshore Road / 867, chemin Lakeshore
> Burlington, Ontario / Burlington (Ontario)
> L7R 4A6
> Tel/Tél: (905) 336-6239
> Fax/Téléc: (905) 336-4699
> E-mail/C. élec: ___tim.pascoe at ec.gc.ca_ <mailto:tim.pascoe at ec.gc.ca>
> Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada
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