[Chameleon] Re: Chameleon 2.0 LayerManager widget

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jan 24 22:06:43 EST 2005


a couple of things could be going wrong here:

1. it looks like a path concatenation error may be occurring.  It should 
probably be putting a / between data and http.  Try adding a trailing / 
to your data path, or setting an absolute path.

2. the code may be trying to use the php-based XML parser to parse the 
capabilities document.  This parser is no longer supported and likely 
broken.  If you haven't already, you need to run 'make' in the 
chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse directory and make sure that your 
chameleon.xml contains the right path to the resulting executable in the 
appropriate element (wmsparse_path or something like that).

Let me know if this doesn't work (or if you have already tried this).



D'cruz,Steven [Ontario] wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> 	I've gotten the LayerManager widget working, however the ability
> to add new WMS layers has been moved to the WMSBrowser widget.  I've
> copied the text from tools_other.html and the WMSBrowser widget loads
> correctly, however whenever I attempt to add a new WMS source, I get
> "errors occurred", and the following in the text log 
> Adding server [ccrs wms] to list....OK
> Testing server [ccrs wms]....OK
> Refreshing server [ccrs wms]....Failed
> Building server list....OK
> The following errors occurred:
> 1) Parse returned 254
> 2) The output was:
> 3) error opening or parsing
> datahttp___ceoware2_ccrs_nrcan_gc_ca_cubewerx_cubeserv_cubeserv_cgi_.xml
> 4) An error occurred parsing capabilities.
> *** Execution complete - Errors Occurred ***
> I've done a search for
> datahttp___ceoware2_ccrs_nrcan_gc_ca_cubewerx_cubeserv_cubeserv_cgi_.xml
> , and the file was found in the root Chameleon-2.0 directory instead of
> presumably the location specified by wmscache in the template.  Our
> template is found in [PS: deleted], and inside the
> template file (for the WMSBrowser) widget the wmscachedirectory is set
> as ../wmscache.  I've created the directory
> [PS: deleted] and given all users full permission to
> it, however the error still persists.  I think the actual error is the
> location to which the file is being written... I think the file
> data/http... Is supposed to be written instead of datahttp...  Or
> perhaps I've wrongly assumed that the wmscachedirectory is relative to
> the location of the template.
> 			Thanks,
> 			Steven D'Cruz
> 			Steven.D'Cruz at ec.gc.ca
> 			Environment Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Spencer [mailto:pspencer at dmsolutions.ca] 
> Sent: January 21, 2005 12:39 PM
> To: D'cruz,Steven [Ontario]
> Subject: Re: Chameleon 2.0 LayerManager widget
> I just tried using sample_other.phtml from the Chameleon samples with 
> Chameleon 2.0 and the layer manager widget seems to work fine.  The tag 
> is declared in tools_other.html and reads:
> <cwc2 type="LayerManager" image="icons/icon_layer_add.png" label="Manage
> Layers" visible="true" styleresource="TextButtons" 
> popupstyleresource="TextButtons" imagetip="Manage layers" 
> popupwidth="640" popupheight="620">
>              <image state="normal"/>
>              <image state="selected"/>
>              <image state="hover"/>
>            </cwc2>
> Your tag seems correct, although it will produce a different result from
> this one (your button has no fancy javascript image swapping and the 
> popup dialog would use HTML button inputs rather than image buttons).
> I suspect the dialog code is dying on something, perhaps to do with 
> PopupCSS?  Can you check the php log files or turn on display of 
> warnings/errors in some way to get an idea of the error?  PHP should be 
> generating an error if it dies like this, but often is configured to 
> shunt the error into a file or suppress it.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> D'cruz,Steven [Ontario] wrote:
>>Hi Paul,
>>        I'm currently attempting to incorporate the LayerManager 
>>into our template file.  I've included the following code in the 
>>template file, resulting in the proper clickable image. Whenever a
> user 
>>clicks on the image for the LayerManager widget, a blank popup is 
>>produced.  I've set the permissions under the chameleon.xml config
> file 
>>to 'UNKNOWN' to allow for the inclusion of all widgets, however I
> still 
>>get the blank popup.  I was wondering if perhaps you've had any 
>>experience with this problem.
>><CWC2 TYPE="LayerManager" PopupWidth="590" PopupHeight="600"
>>Toolbar="false" Status="false" Menubar="false" Visible="true" 
>>Image="images/icon_layers.png" ImageWidth="24" ImageHeight="24" 
>>ImageTip="Manage WMS Layers" Label="M
>>anage WMS Layers" />
>>Steven D'Cruz
>>Steven.D'Cruz at ec.gc.ca
>>Environment Canada

|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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