[Chameleon] Problem with keymap

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL
Thu Jul 21 09:38:39 EDT 2005

What did you put in your HTML template and what did you put in your MAP file for this?

The following works for me (note westland.png is next to the MAP file):

MAP file:

   IMAGE westland.png
   EXTENT 69000 441500 81000 450500
   SIZE 265 135
   COLOR -1 -1 -1

HTML template:

<cwc2 type="KeyMap" color="-1 -1 -1" outlinecolor="255 0 0" />

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Syncera IT Solutions
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT

tel.nr.: 015-7512436
email: BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.nl

>>> "Inizan, Sebastien (CDS-VPI)" <SIN at euro.who.int> 07/20/05 04:02pm >>>
Hi !

For some reasons, I can not manage to display a picture inside the keymap. 

Is there anything I should add in the .phtml file ? When I make my own
..phtml and use a template from the samples, it does not work neither.  

Here is my .phtml:

 * this is a sample of a minimal application script required to
 * get a chameleon application running with a template and a
 * local map file.  Most applications should actually just
 * copy this file and modify the template and mapfile
 * parts and should not need to do a lot more here.
include( "C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\chameleon.php" );

$szTemplate = "./sample_basic.html";
$szMapFile = "../map/euro.map";

class SampleApp extends Chameleon
  function SampleApp()
    $this->moMapSession = new MapSession_RW;
    $this->moMapSession->setTempDir( getSessionSavePath());

$oApp =  new SampleApp();
$oApp->registerSkin( 'skins/sample' );
$oApp->CWCInitialize( $szTemplate, $szMapFile  );

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