[Chameleon] Querying dynamic built layers pt.2

Ken Sanderson ken at rockies.ca
Wed Mar 16 19:24:17 EST 2005

Hello all. Well thanks to David's post I made some good headway, but 
still stuck on how the query widget is responding.

Since the query widget was erroring I decided to see if my code was 
working at all. I took the code I posted earlier, which you can find 
below, and made it stand alone (used a newly created map object and put 
it completely oustide of chameleon) I added the following to the bottom:

$pt2 = ms_newPointObj();

$result = $poLayer->getResult(0);
echo "this is the index:" . $result->shapeindex;

This works as it should, it reads the shapeindex value that I have set. 
So back to the chameleon query widget and its error. Its breaking on 
line 496 of the map_query.php, specifically:

$oShape = $oLayer->getShape($oResult->tileindex, $oResult->shapeindex);

and the error it sends me is:

Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msINLINELayerGetShape(): No inline 
feature with this index.

If I replace $oResult->shapeindex with a number, say 10 (I know my 
search returns 28 records so any value 27 or under will work), the query 
responds and the result lists the shapeindex value as -1.  I have gone 
over the code in map_query.php and it looks like its doing the same 
thing as I did in my test script. Create a point object, send point to 
querybypoint, get the result, and then use the shapeindex property of 
result to retrieve the index.

My thinking is that $oResult->shapeindex is returning a value of -1 or 
null which is causing the getShape to fail. The question is why is it 
not reading the index value I have set and instead returning the -1?

Any thoughts appreciated.


> Ken Sanderson wrote:
>>                 $poLayer = ms_newLayerObj($this->moMapSession->oMap);
>>                 $poLayer->set("name", "Your Point Summary");
>>                 $poLayer->set("status", MS_OFF);
>>                 $poLayer->set("type", MS_LAYER_POINT);
>>                 $poLayer->set("labelcache", MS_OFF);
>>                 $poLayer->set("labelmaxscale",30000.0);
>>                 $poLayer->set("labelminscale",1.0);
>>                 $poLayer->set("template","ttt_query.html");
>>                 $poClass = ms_newClassObj($poLayer);
>>                 $poClass->set("name", "dynamic point summary class");
>>                 $poClass->label->set("font","sans");
>>                 $poClass->label->set("type","truetype");
>>                 $poClass->label->set("size",7);
>>                 $poClass->label->set("position","auto");
>>                 $poClass->label->set("force","TRUE");
>>                 $poClass->label->color->setRGB(0,0,0);
>>                 $poClass->label->outlinecolor->setRGB(225,240,180);
>>                 $poClass->label->shadowcolor->setRGB(225,240,180);
>>                 $poClass->label->set("offsetx",1);
>>                 $poClass->label->set("offsety",1);
>>                 $poClass->label->set("buffer",10);
>>                 $poClass->set("template","ttt_query.html");
>>                 $poStyle = ms_newStyleObj($poClass);
>>                 $poStyle->set("symbolname","star");
>>                 $poStyle->set("size", 15);
>>                 $poStyle->color->setRGB(250, 160, 5);
>>                 $poStyle->outlinecolor->setRGB(0,0,0);
>>                 //go through point array and use each item
>>                 for ($i=0;$i<count($pointsarray);$i++){
>>                   $pt = ms_newPointObj();
>>                   $ln = ms_newLineObj();
>>                   $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT);
>>                   $pt->setXY($pointsarray[$i][2],$pointsarray[$i][3]);
>>                   $ln->add($pt);
>>                   $shp->add($ln);
>>                   $shp->set("text",$pointsarray[$i][1]);
>>                   $shp->set("index",$i);
>>                   $poLayer->addFeature($shp);
>>                 }

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