[Chameleon] ruler tool constants

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at xs4all.nl
Fri Oct 7 12:31:08 EDT 2005

Hi list,

today I ran into a problem with the Ruler widget not working when the 
map was reprojected from Meters to Degrees.

It appeared the values in navtool.dbf had been changed to Dutch for the 
NL_NL column (so Graden instead of Degrees) , but these values are used 
to check for a valid unit in the widget's php code.

So we had to change them back to the English values.

Unfortunately this means some English in our user interface.

Is there any way around this? I think the values for the constants 
should not come from the DBF, but the values for the presentation should 
come from there.

Has this been changed/fixed with the new MLT approach by any chance?

Best regards,

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