[Chameleon] Custom query/Unrectified photo zooming

Tim Badtke TBadtke at eastcentralrpc.org
Wed Aug 9 11:03:53 EDT 2006

Hi all,
I'm getting close to getting my historical photo viewer the way I want
it to work.  Users can zoom into an area of interest and a photo grid
will show.  They can select a custom query to view the unrectified photo
in a pop up window.  I am unsure of how to make this photo zoomable.
Paul had some suggestions and I am able to make a new map file from the
user's selection in the custom query code.  Here that is:
if( !isset( $_GET[ 'sid'] ) )
   die('no session detected');

// define some vars
define("LOAD_MAPSESSION", 1);
define( 'CHAMELEON_PATH', '/opt/chameleon/htdocs/');

// include the supporting php functions

// execute the query based on passed coords and the mapsession
$aResults = executeQuery( $oMapSession, $_GET['x'], $_GET['y'] );

if (count($aResults) > 0)
   foreach( $aResults as $nLayerIdx => $aResult)
       $oLayer = $oMapSession->oMap->getLayer($nLayerIdx);
       $szName = $oLayer->name;
       if( $szName == 'Photo Index - 2000' )
            foreach($aResult as $aRow)
                 $mapFileName=$imagenum . 'image.map';
                 $mapFileHandle=fopen($map_path . $mapFileName, 'w');
                 $stringData="NAME PopupImage\nSTATUS ON\nSIZE 600
450\nEXTENT 0 0 3200 3200\nUNITS FEET\n";
                 $stringData="SHAPEPATH ../ecdata\nIMAGECOLOR 255 255
                 $stringData=" IMAGEPATH /var/www/html/ms_tmp/\n
IMAGEURL ../ms_tmp/\nEND\n";
                 $stringData="LAYER\n NAME \"Image\"\n STATUS Default\n
DATA photos/2000/" . $imagenum . ".jpg\n";
                 $stringData=" TYPE RASTER\nEND\nEND\n";


The map file works fine and I can see the image but now I need to figure
out how to start a new chameleon session to enable zooming.  I tried
adding the original initialization script for chameleon after the map
file gets written, but I get an error.  I don't know if this is the way
to go about this or not.


include( "../../chameleon/chameleon.php" );

$szTemplate = "./hpv.html";
$szMapFile = $map_path . $mapFileName;
echo $szMapFile;
class SampleApp extends Chameleon
  function SampleApp()
    $this->moMapSession = new MapSession_RW;
    $this->moMapSession->setTempDir( getSessionSavePath());
$oApp =  new SampleApp();
$oApp->registerSkin( 'skins/sample' );
$oApp->CWCInitialize( $szTemplate, $szMapFile  );
//bug MT 615: required to get cwcjsapi widget working
$oApp->mnMinimumMaturityLevel = MATURITY_ALPHA;


It appears the pathing ends up wrong.  In the working page before custom
query gets called the map image properties show the link is


In the custom query page the image properties show the link is
/localhost/common//wrapper... and I get the error file does not exist:
/var/www/html/common/.  I am not really sure how to resolve this.  I
would appreciate any input as to the best way to go about this.  I'm a
newbie to php programming if that matters.  Hope I summed this up so
it's understandable, if I need to provide more information, just let me




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