[Chameleon] Help - Translation problem - WMS Layers

Ines mleonsoft at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Aug 10 16:41:16 EDT 2006

Normand, I'm sorry for my bad expression.  
I asked your questions:
Thank you very much again.


I need some clarifications.


Ines wrote:

>When I add WMS Layers, the layer is added and I can see the name of the

>layer very well.

Do you mean in the legend? 
YES, : (home page / buttom WMS Layers / Window Map Browser / I select a
layer / buttom "add layer")The layer is added in the main map and the
name of the new WMS Layer is added at the top of Legend (left menu)

>But I can't see my translations of the file.map.
Did you mean the translation for this WMS layer you added?  Which map 
file did you edit?
NO: I don´t traslated the WMS Layers. I have 11 Layers in the Legend.
That 11 layers are in the file.map (just that 11 layers, no another
layer). I modificated just that file.map adding the variables: LAYER_EN,
LAYER_ES and LAYER_PT in every layer. I don't know where are the files
that manage WMS Layers, but I don´t need to translate WMS layers. I just
need to translate the legend, but I need to see the name of the WMS
Layers in the Legend when I add a WMS Layer. 

>I see all the names in english at the left menu.
What is the left menu?  Is it the legend?
YES, it is the legend.

>When I open the Internet explorer and I run my aplication, and I press 
>the button "spanish" or "portuguese", but the left menu is still in 
>english. The aplication Don't take the variables "LAYER_ES" and 
>"LAYER_PT" from the file.map. But if I add some WMS Layer, I can see 
>the layer in the map, and the name of the new WMS layer very well.
What is the left menu?  Is it the legend?

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