[Chameleon] Custom cursors over MapTips image map using nav widgets' CURSORTYPE attrtibute

Carlo Tronnberg temp at chello.hu
Tue Mar 14 08:33:07 EST 2006

Hi List!
I have customized cursor behaviors depending on the button clicked on in the navigation toolbar: I just set the "CURSORTYPE" parameter.

Now I have added a modified version of the MapTips widget which generates a transparent image map on top of the map. After this the customized state cursors are gone.
Is there a way that my CURSORTYPE cursors defined in the navigation widgets would still work over the MapTips?

I know it is possible to modify the default cursors used over an image map:

I tried to call the cursor modification calls in the "maptipsOver" and "maptipsOut" functions without success.
For this to work I would have to pass the image object name to which the image map is connected. But I do not know which ID should be passed. Any idea?

If I could modify the MapTips' cursor, I could imagine a global variable containing the name of the actual cursor to be used for showing the right cursor.



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