[Chameleon] question about session map file

He, Matt Yubin mhe at itsc.uah.edu
Thu Mar 23 10:37:29 EST 2006


Hi All:


            I am using the WMSBrowser widget to add layer. I modified
this widget to add group name into the new layer. 

I also modified legend_Template file to group all layers based on their
group name (please see below).

However, when I added a new layer, in the session map file
(C:/ms4w/tmp/sess_[session_id]/[unique_id].map), there are two identical
layers added.  I am trying to figure out why two layers were added into
session map file instead of one. 


Could some one tell me: 1. how session map file was generated? Is it by
Chameleon, or by Mapserver code, or by MS4W code?

2. is MS4W code open source? There are some dll files, where to get


Thank you very much.







<li><table><tr><td width="100"




[leg_layer_html order=ascending opt_flag=15]



  <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">

    <td><input type="radio" name="my_legend"
onclick="CWCSelectLayer('[leg_layer_name]', true)"[if name=selected
value=1] CHECKED[/if] ></td>

    <td align="center" width=20><input type="checkbox"
name="legendlayername[]" value="[leg_layer_name]"

    [if name=layer_status oper=eq  value=1]CHECKED[/if]

    [if name=layer_status oper=eq value=2]CHECKED[/if]></td>

    <td><img src="[leg_icon width=20 height=18]" width="20"

    [if name=wms_name oper=isnull]

    <td><a href="#"



    [if name=wms_name oper=isset]

    <td><a href="#"
class="label">[metadata name=WMS_TITLE]</span></a></td>






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