[Chameleon] Sessions expire prematurely

Delfos, Jacob Jacob.Delfos at maunsell.com
Tue Jan 2 20:25:34 EST 2007

Hi List,

I have a problem on most of our Chameleon sites, which appears to be getting worse. Basically, the map image breaks when doing JSAPI navigation. After that, I can still submit the page, and the map-image will re-appear and work fine again. But other widgets (e.g. inside iframe or popups) will now say:

"Your session is invalid or has expired."

This can occur within 15 seconds of the session initiation. So it can't be the normal timeout. My garbage collection is set to occur once in 1000,000,000 times or so, but shouldn't happen anyway since I use subdirectories. The session directory of the expired session looks fine.

The message is triggered by "bInvalidSessionDontFail" in session.inc.php. Can someone shed some light on what causes this?

By the way, I do use the "sessionExpired" widget, but to no avail. Its refresh is set to much lower than my session expiry of PHP (1000 versus 6000 seconds).

Best regards,


Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd
629 Newcastle Street, Leederville, WA 6007
PO Box 81, Leederville, WA 6902
Western Australia
ABN 20 093 846 925

Tel     + 61 8 9281 6185
Fax    + 61 8 9281 6297
jacob.delfos at maunsell.com

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