[Chameleon] OGRVRT performance

Delfos, Jacob Jacob.Delfos at maunsell.com
Tue Mar 20 19:41:23 EST 2007

Hi Jason,
I have used ODBC before, and it shouldn't be too slow if you don't have
too much data. How many points are you loading in one go?
I notice that the data in your ODBC dataset is in the same projection as
the layer. Have you tried removing the LayerSRS statement, just in case
it's trying to re-project needlessly? 
Also, I think you can use this:
in stead of 
<SrcSQL>select * from GIS_BLDG_PMTS</SrcSQL>
I don't know whether that makes any difference in performance, but worth
a try.


	From: chameleon-bounces at lists.maptools.org
[mailto:chameleon-bounces at lists.maptools.org] On Behalf Of
JBaum at townofbethlehem.org
	Sent: 21 March 2007 09:31
	To: chameleon at lists.maptools.org
	Subject: [Chameleon] OGRVRT performance
	I have successfully made a connection using the following layer
entry in my .map file:
	    NAME "bldpmts"
	     <OGRVRTLayer name='bldpmts'>
	        <SrcDataSource>ODBC:UNAME/PWD at DNSNAME</SrcDataSource>
	        <SrcSQL>select * from GIS_BLDG_PMTS</SrcSQL>
	     <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='xcoord'
	 </OGRVRTDataSource>" # the name and path to the virtual.ovf
	     DATA "bldpmts" # the name of the OGRVrtLayer
	      NAME "bldpmts"
	       SYMBOL 1
	       SIZE 6
	       COLOR 255 0 0
	It takes almost 3 minutes to return a map once I turn on the
layer.  I really need a faster response.  
	Does anyone have a suggestion how I can increase performance?
Any help is appreciated.



	Jason Baum
	GIS Specialist
	Town of Bethlehem
	445 Delaware Avenue
	Delmar, NY 12054
	518-439-4955 x1186 v
	518-439-5808 f
	Map <http://maps.google.com/maps?q=445+Delaware+Ave,+Delmar,+NY>

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