[Chameleon] FUSSION seems to be much faster than Chameleon

Andreas Douvalis anddreas2 at yahoo.gr
Mon Jan 11 04:52:51 EST 2010

At the beginning of my “GIS life” I spent two years studding GIS systems as an ARCGIS user.
Then I spent the next 2 years studding webgis as an MAPSERVER-WMS user.
Then I spent 1 year studding Chameleon Widgets and developing my widgets.
Then I spent half of year studding GEOSERVER to take advance of WFS transaction tool (general to edit files).
Moreover I have spent plenty of time studding OPEN LAYERS – GOOGLE API and FUSION-MAPGUIDE.
Now my question:
FUSION seems to be much faster than Chameleon.
What I have to do?
IS IT possible to use chameleon widgets with fusion??????
IS IT possible to make Chameleon being as fast as fusion?
For example, is it possible to use print widget of chameleon with fusion? (since print widget of fussion seems to work only with mapguide).
 I know that this question maybe is for fussion users but I know that some of the people who developed chameleon have developed fussion as well.
(I use mapserver 5.2, fussion 1.1.1, chameleon 2.6)

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