Hello All,<br>
We recently upgraded from ms4w 1.0.3 and chameleon 2.0 to ms4w 1.2.1
and chameleon 2.2. One of the main reasons we upgraded was that
we were having trouble with the WMS Browser and were hoping that a
fresh installation would take care of it. But the problem remains.<br>
When the "add WMS Layers" button is clicked, the appropriate window
pops up, but the SERVERS and the SEARCH buttons do not function in any
way (no different hover states, etc.). In the older installation,
the WMS Browser had functioned well for a while - long enough to
establish a decent catalog of WMS servers - and then, suddenly,
everything disappeared (though the WMS cache files are still in tact)
and the two buttons ceased to work.<br>
Any ideas or solutions would be very much appreciated!<br>
Jennifer Zeisloft<br>
UW-Sea Grant<br>