<div><cwc2 type="MapTips" defaulttext="&nbsp;" tolerance="2"
maptipsdiv="MapTipsLayer" label="Map Tips" layer="scuole"
attributes="comune" styleresource="TextButtons"
popupstyleresource="TextButtons" popupwidth="550"
popupheight="475" image="images/icon_maptips.png" toolbar="false"
status="false" menubar="false" onmouseover="myMaptipsOver"
</div><div><span class="q"><br> <image state="normal"/><br> <image state="selected"/><br> <image state="hover"/><br> </cwc2><br><br></span></div>
This is the definition of MapTips Widget!
<br><br>Now i have names of comune on mouse over! but i cannot change
value from comune to other fields because widget can see only layers
but not attributes!<br><br>Best Regards and thank you for your answer!