This is the layer definition in mapfile:<br>LAYER<br> NAME "scuole"<br> METADATA<br> wms_title "scuole"<br> wfs_title "scuole"<br> "DESCRIPTION" "comune"<br> "RESULT_FIELDS" "comune"
<br> "LAYER" "scuole"<br> gml_include_items "all"<br> END<br> STATUS ON<br> DUMP TRUE<br> TYPE POLYGON<br> CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS<br>CONNECTION "user=postgres password=postgres dbname=NEW host=localhost port=5432"
<br>DATA "the_geom FROM (select comune, I02_97 as Elementari_Classi, I03_97 as Medie_Classi, I04_98 as Superiori_classi, the_geom, gid from scuole) AS scuole USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1"<br> classitem "comune"
<br>PROJECTION "init=epsg:26591"<br> END <br>LABELITEM comune<br> CLASS<br> NAME "comune"<br> TEMPLATE "ttt_query.html" <br> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<br> LABEL<br> TYPE truetype<br>
FONT sans<br> SIZE 7<br> COLOR 0 0 200<br> POSITION auto<br> END<br>END<br><br>This is the widget definition of Label çayer Widget:<br><br><cwc2 type="LayerLabels" styleresource="TextButtons" label="Label Layers"
<br>popupwidth="500" popupheight="280" image="icons/icon_labels.png" Toolbar="false"<br>Status="false" Menubar="false" ImageTip="Add Labels to a layer in the current map." >
<br> <image state="normal"/><br> <image state="selected"/><br> <image state="hover"/><br> </cwc2><br><br>Problem is always the same as i reported in list here
<a href=""></a><br>I can choice Layers but i cannot see Attributes of Layers!<br><br>I'm using Chameleon MS4W and Postgis
<br><br>If you have any idea for this problem ... <br><br>Thank you in advance <br><br>