Thanks to Julien Lacroix we solved this problem<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br>Now i have another strange problem. I've updataded to chameleon ms4w_2.0 (PHP5) and chameleon_ms4w-
2.4-20060427, and when i use HEADER in mapfile, MapTips Disappears.<br><br>If i remove Header fields in mapfile all is fine! <br><br>Is it normal? i've also tryed to change position of Header in mapfile but problem persists.
<br><br><br>the configuration of maptips is the same of the last post while in mapfile i've changed this:<br><br>LAYER<br>NAME "scuole"<br>METADATA<br> wms_title "scuole"<br> wfs_title "scuole"
<br> "DESCRIPTION" "comune"<br> "RESULT_FIELDS" "comune"<br> "LAYER" "scuole"<br> gml_include_items "all"<br> END<br> STATUS ON<br>
DUMP TRUE<br> TYPE POLYGON<br> CONNECTIONTYPE POSTGIS<br>CONNECTION "user=postgres password=postgres dbname=NEW host=localhost port=5432"<br>DATA "the_geom FROM (select comune, I02_97 as Elementari_Classi, I03_97 as Medie_Classi, I04_98 as Superiori_classi, the_geom, gid from scuole) AS scuole1 USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1"
<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">HEADER </span><br style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">"comune^|Elementari_Classi^|Medie_Classi^|Superiori_classi^"</span><br>Classitem "comune"
<br>PROJECTION "init=epsg:26591"<br> END <br>LABELITEM comune<br>LABELMAXSCALE 105000<br>CLASS<br> NAME "scuole"<br> TEMPLATE "ttt_query.html" <br> OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0<br> LABEL<br>
TYPE truetype<br> FONT sans<br> SIZE 7<br> COLOR 0 0 200<br> POSITION auto<br> END<br>END<br>