Hello, my name is Donny Wicaksono, from Indonesia<br><br>I'm developing a web-gis, I use Windows as operating system, I use ms4w 2.2.6 with Apache 2.2.4, PHP 5.2.4 and Chameleon 2.4.<br>for database, i use <span class="yshortcuts" id="lw_1227603939_0">PostgreSQL</span><br><br>I have difficulties, and i really hope that I can get any help from any of you in this mailing list.<br><br>How can i add or customize my system to have a search function to display query of points and than can be zoomed in to each point/desired point directly to my map?<br><br>What code/script should i make?<br><br>And where should i put that script? Is it on chameleon template file (the html file)? Or in the map file?<br><br>I'll appreciate an helps.<br><br>Thank you...<br><br>-donny-<br><p>