[FGS] Status / httpd / etc

Wood Brent pcreso at pcreso.com
Wed Sep 15 18:27:06 EDT 2004

--- Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> It seems like there hasn't been too much activity here for a while.

I'm back from sea for a while now- hopefully can spend some time finishing my
stuff. Should we look at some overall testing as a suite, or just target the

As a slightly OT aside, I'm also involved with a project to make a freely
available set of the New Zealand vector topo data. Originally derived from
1:50,000 topo maps, with corrections from ortho photos, etc, I plan for
shapefile format data with all the coastline, roads, rivers, streams, elevation
contours, cemetaries, quarries, etc.

One option is a demo CD, poss as a magazine cover. This could be a LiveCD or
have data/software for install.

Does anyone here have any suggestions/recommendations as to a good way to
proceed? The dataset is vector, but something like GMT can make good images
from the elevation contour vertices, so some hillshade or elevation rasters are
possible, tho data volume is an issue. 

I like the idea of a liveCD like the AIT Star disk, using QGIS as the access
software (coz I'm relatively familiar with it). Maybe based on PCLinuxOS. 

The availability of such a dataset has a nice synergy with the FGS, as the
tools need data to do anything useful & the data need some tools :-)

Brent Wood

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