[FGS] Which data-format is the best?

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Aug 31 14:23:45 EDT 2005

Thomas Sebastian wrote:
> Hello list,
> i'm pretty new in working with gis.
> i installed the FGS-Package from maptools.org and it is working pretty 
> good.
> but now i need the maps of my city ( leipzig/germany ).
> My question: In which file format are the maps stored ?

The short answer is that MapServer can serve map data in Shapefile 
format, as well as half a dozen common GIS vector formats, PostGIS, 
Oracle Spatial and ESRI SDE. With respect to rasters, about 50 formats 
are supported via GDAL.

This list is for issues installing FGS packages. once you've got it 
running, you'll have more luck if you send your questions to the users 
list of the package you are trying to use, in this case it would be the 
mapserver-users list. See http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/support.html

> And my seccond question : does  anybody  have a hind  to get maps for 
> free ?

I'd suggest you try sending this question to the freegis list: 

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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