[FGS] Build with PHP 5.2.1

Bailey Bailey at texassabal.com
Tue Oct 9 12:05:28 EDT 2007

Hello everyone,


Anybody know how I would go about building fgs with a different version of
PHP namely 5.2.1.?  My webhost used PHP 5.2.1, and I am trying to set up my
test environment exactly like my host so that I can eventually upload
mapserver to my host and not have any version conflicts with my
php_mapscript.so.  I am a new linux and mapserver user so please be as
detailed as possible.  


Or, if I have to build mapserver from scratch, where can I find out how it
was configured in the fgs package?


Or, does anyone knows where I can find commercial support for setting
mapserver up online. DM Solutions support is priced out of my income






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