[FGS] (no subject)

Peter Korduan peter.korduan at uni-rostock.de
Tue Aug 4 04:29:30 EST 2009

Dear foss-gis user,

I posted this some days before to the list, but it didn't receive the list. Its not in the archive.

I use a fgs installation since some years successfully in the kvwmap project, now (version 1.0) on a suse linux and missing now the http wrapper for php.
The phpinfo() let me know:
Registered PHP Streams php, file, data, compress.zlib
Its not other in 9.5.

I can not see any hint in documentation why the developer removed this feature. I need it e.g. to read wms images from remote servers with file_get_contents().

Since the new fgs version, I can not load remote files from a different server and get warnings like this.
 failed to open stream: No such file or directory

I think it not depend on access rights, because the mapserver can read the wms images.

I set the appropriated parameter in php.ini already
allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = On

If I could add the feature to php I would be glad, but I also did not found anything about it in php docs.

Was it forgotten in compiling process for fsg?

What I have to do to add this common http stream to php?

Kind regards,

Peter Korduan

University of Rostock
Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Institute for Management of Rural Areas

Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6

18059 Rostock

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