[FGS] FGS in Ubuntu Intrepid - httpd not found

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Fri Feb 6 13:33:07 EST 2009

Normand Savard wrote:
> Vincent BLANQUE wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I try to install FGS 5.2.1 in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 as root and as normal
>> user and in both cases, i have the issue 'httpd not found'
>> * FGS runtime ready in '/opt/fgs', use fgs command.
>> root at ubuntu:/tmp# fgs start
>> + Starting 'apache':
>> eval: 1: /opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd: not found
>> Anybody have an idea what happens ?
> Vincent,
> I have a new fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10.  I downloaded fgs from:
> http://maptools.org/dl/fgs/releases/1.0/1.0.0/self-installers/fgs-mapserver_5.0.2-fgs_1.0.0-linux-i386.bin
> I did  "sh fgs-mapserver_5.0.2-fgs_1.0.0-linux-i386.bin".  I used all 
> the default values (/home/nsavard/fgs and port 8080)  and the 
> installation runs well to the end.  I tested it by accessing MapServer:
> and it works.
> Do you have this file:  "/opt/fgs/www/bin/httpd"?
After installing as 'normal user' the FGS package and copying the files
attached herein before: 'apache' and 'setenv.sh' files, we finally succeed
FGS works fine.

To check the FGS is fine installed, in the browser, go to:

the message returned should be: "No query information to decode.
QUERY_STRING is set, but empty."

If you have '/home/$user/fgs/etc/init.d/apache: Permission denied'
Be careful in rights access, execute:
$ cd $FGS_HOME/etc/init.d/apache
$ chmod +x apache

To create the FGS daemon, connect as 'root' and execute these commands:
$ echo "su orion -c \"( . /home/$user/fgs/setenv.sh ; fgs start )\"" >>
$ cd /etc/init.d
$ update-rc.d fgs.sh defaults
$ chmod +x fgs.sh

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