[FGS] Starting apache error: httpd cannot execute binary file

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Mon Nov 2 10:43:35 EST 2009

Hao Zhang wrote:
>     I see mysql-5.1.30-linux-i686-icc-glibc23.tar.gz is hardcoded in
>     get_mysql_devel.sh. Is there any compatible package for linux
>     sparc64? If not, is it possible to skip mysql and/or gdal? I am
>     not sure if mapserver requires gdal.

You could check on 
http://packages.debian.org/search?arch=sparc&keywords=mysql-client.  I 
see one.  You can disable the support of mysql in 
fgs-dev/pkg_def/gdal/fgs_build by commenting the line:

. $FGS_PKGS_DEF_HOME/_misc/get_mysql_devel.sh

This is the correct way to do it.

MapServer requires gdal.  If you're not sure id a package requires 
another one you have to view the content of the *.required file for a 
specific package for instance for MapServer view:


As a side note, to help you in your process of building fgs on Spac64 
could you paste a copy of your "build.list" file to see where you are at?


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